Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

My Own Hero

Ayah you’re my superhero B) you’re more than superman,batman,spiderman,fairy godfather,etc. I adore you, you’re the only man who can I believe, you’re the most charismatic man in the world wohoho you’re dedicated as the best father in the world to me :) Eventhough sometimes we fight,I made a complaint,I’m a little disatisfied if you didn’t give the things that I wanted but I know you've tried to fulfill it and I know it because you really don’t want something bad happens to me and I also know that you’ll comprehend cause I’m a teenagers,I’m labile,I’m selfish,I’m a little too sensitive :p

we spend time together,we’ve an uncountable moments,sometimes I miss every moment we’ve been through.

Dad, thank you so much for your love,for your sacrifice,for the things that you give to me,for everything! I don’t know how to reciprocation it. I need you to know that I love you with all my heart. You’re really truly my superhero :’)

Senin, 13 September 2010

Worst Thing Of You

Nothing interesting on you when i saw you for the first time
But day by day you made it,you made me felt so comfort
Until i thought that i like you,i love you
You had me going crazy
You know you got me dazing cause you were so amazing
I was wasting all of my life just thinking of you
But after all,after you made me crazy on you,made me felt don't wanna lose you
You crushed it,you changed my life into darkness,you broken all your promises to me,you did it!
I know i've been selfish but you shouldn't do it,it was hurt me so much
You drowning me......
But nothing's gonna change my love for you,although what you've done to me,it's cause i love you
I love you forever and forever is never over , i swear i won't forget you , i keep you in my heart

Senin, 21 Desember 2009


When our time is up
When our lives are done
Will we say, we've had our fun

Will we make a mark this time
Will we always say we tried

We're standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out
Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out

Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out
This is all we got now
Everybody scream your heart out

All the love I've met
I have no regrets
If it all ends now, I'm set

Will we make a mark this time
Will we always say we tried

We're standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out
Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out

Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out
This is all we got now
Everybody scream your heart out

Standing on the rooftops
Wait until the bombs drop
This is all we got now
Scream until your heart stops

Never gonna regret
Watching every sunset
We'll, listen to your heartbeat
All the love that we found

Standing on the rooftops
Wait until the bombs drop
This is all we got now
Scream until your heart stops

Never gonna regret
Watching every sunset
We'll, listen to your heartbeat
All the love that we found

Scream your heart out
Scream your heart out
Scream your heart out
Scream your

Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out
Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out

Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out
This is all we got now
Everybody scream your

Kamis, 14 Mei 2009

about me ( beberapa detik setelah blog di buat )

jam 09.35 ( 15-05-09 )

Haiii semuanya , nama gue Nadya Halimah Kasim . hmm biasa dipanggil Nadya , kalo waktu SD dipanggil Lohan ( soalnya jidat gua jenong ) trus kalo SMP Butong ( ga tau artinya apa , yang ngasih nama temen gue , namanya Roberto ) , ga tau ya kalo SMA nanti .
Gue lahir di Jakarta tanggal 31 oktober 1994 , umur gue sekarang 14 tahun , gue tinggal di Depok bersama bokap , nyokap , dan kedua ade gue yang nyebelin tapi baik . sekarang gue sekolah di SMPN 13 Depok yang terkenal dengan BANJIRnya , hhuh , sampe-sampe pernah masuk koran , sering malu juga kalo di tanya sama ibu-ibu di angkot .

ibu-ibu : De , sekolah dimana ?

gue : Di SMPN 13 bu ( malu-malu )

ibu-ibu : yang di Krukut ya ? yang seringg banjir itu kan ?

gue : ii..iya bu !


ibu-ibu : De , koq jam segini udah pulang sekolah ?

gue : ii..ya , abis kelasnya kebanjiran jadi ga bisa belajar dehh .

ibu-ibu : ohh , untung anak saya ga jadi masuk sekolahan itu .

hhhuhh malu bangett , tapi ga apa-apa yang penting ada kesan sekolah di SMPN 13 ( bentar lagi bakalan ninggalin sekolah yang berkesan itu ) .
cukup tentang sekolah gue , kalo ada waktu gue nulis lagi tentang SMPN 13 .

oke sekarang balik ke gue , gue itu orangnya , mm gmana ya ? ga pinter , tapi ga bodoh juga , Lola ( loading lama ) alias tulalit tapi ga separah temen SMP gue yang bernama Nadia Jastiffani , paling cape ngomong sama dia ( susah ) , truss gue itu egois dan mudah emosi ( maaf ya teman ) .

ok , selanjutnya soal pacar ( cinta ) , whahaha , masih belom bisa di publikasikan , masih ga jelas kalo soal itu , abis belom boleh pacaran juga sama bokap , tapii kalo backstreet ya boleh lahh ( asal ga ketahuan ) hha :))

next , my favorite film , ya gue punya Film favorite ( banget ) yaitu Harry Potter beserta sequel-sequelnya , trus bukunya yang tebel-tebel , yaahh pokoknya ngikutin perkembangannya dehh , trus Twilight ( tapi masih lebih suka HP ) gua juga udah baca bukunya , tapi yang ke-3 ( ECLIPSE ) belum, baru sampe halaman 58 udah hilang , padahal baru di beliin bokap malemnya , ehh paginya ilang di sekolah tepatnya di kolong meja ( ga sengaja ketinggalan ) besoknya gue cek udah ga ada , gue kira di umpetin temen gue , ternyata 'GAK' . huhu siapa sii yang ngambil ? masuk AZKABAN nanti lhoo ! mau ?... selanjutnya gue suka film Flight plane , The Forgotten , SpiderMan , rata-rata film of warner bros gue suka , Madagascar , HSM , etc.

apalagi yaa ??

hmm , kayaknya cukup sekian about me nya , thhx :))